About Me

Welcome! I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University. I study American political institutions, with a focus on Congress and public policy. A central interest of my work is understanding how the structure of political institutions shapes outcomes.

My main project is a book manuscript tentatively titled Politics by Formula: How Congressional Policymaking Creates Disparities. While government programs may be intended to improve education or provide healthcare, I show that members of Congress treat them as opportunities to procure more funding for their constituents. Who wins and who loses out? I demonstrate that the answer is rooted in both the structure of Congress and the nature of our federal system.

I received a Joint Ph.D. in Politics and Social Policy from Princeton University in 2021 and a B.A. in Political Science from Carleton College in 2014. Prior to beginning my graduate studies, I worked as a research assistant on K-12 education policy at the Congressional Research Service.